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 Locksmith working in the field of locks and locking products when this field is divided into several sub - domains: direct sales (store) of locks and locking products and Security Small (cylinders, safes home, chains, keys, etc.); marketing to customer's locking products and shielding sorts of big (steel doors, safes business, etc.), marketing and installation of protection systems and identifying the home, office or car (electronic systems, computer systems Locksmith, systems master code lock doors and vehicles, Aimobiliizrim, etc.); service Locksmith for lock and protection installed (upgrade, repair, etc.); and hacking services on request (doors, locks, cars, safes, etc.). Wooden door locks Glass door locks and steel


Steel doors have become an integral part of the Israeli urban Locksmith  landscape. They are called by the people "Steel Door", but Steel Door is actually a generic name (such as "Cell" or "Frigidaire"). This name was first Israeli company to manufacture and market steel doors are protected with a lock long - arm them. Following the great success of the product rose competing companies that produced similar steel doors - blocking, armored spider with long - arms, Dee - headlight and more - but the name Steel Door "caught" in the market. Locksmith




Reinforced steel door  Locksmith is actually a protection system, since there is only a door. Protection system includes the steel door itself, built of two layers of steel, including  Locksmith insulation material fire and noise; decorative coatings colors and different textures, frames Steel - Side and Top - anchored well to the walls, or even cast them; reinforced hinges, ocular safety, necklace (or caught ) Safety Detent strong Locksmith  floor, a floor brush and rubber gaskets, and of course the highlight - great locking mechanism - arm ("multi - smell") anchors the door lintels and floor with at least four locking rods. Similar to Steel Door too long name - the smell is the generic name - this is where the company manufactures and distributes the lock rabbi - the first arm. The two Locksmith  companies later merged under the name "Mul-T", and now, beyond the production of Steel doors and a long bolt locks, also make doors and windows protected spaces, decorative armored doors, cylinders, keys and more sophisticated. Locksmith


Steel door must of course contain a strong locking Locksmith mechanism, sophisticated and hard to break. The most common mechanism for locking steel doors is indeed a long lock - a long arm - bolt installed it, when the lock is installed in such a sophisticated Multi-Lock cylinder with key hard copy and the system  Locksmith Rugged hard to break and drilled. The role of the central mechanism is to make the rotational movement of the key in the linear motion of the cylinder lock rods, being stuck into holes into door frames and floor and that the door lock into place. Locksmith



As noted, other companies  Locksmith produce long locks - Zroaiim under different trade names: geometric lock, lock blocks, and blocks mechanism. These locks are not significantly different from each other - number of bolts and thicknesses can be changed, lintels and floor holes  Locksmith can be this or that, the depth of penetration of the latches could be larger, but the differences are not fundamental. The main  Locksmith advantage of the long lock - my arm is anchoring the door on all four sides, very difficult anchoring force outbreak. Locksmith



Long lock - arm can also be  Locksmith installed in the doors are steel doors precisely, such as wooden doors, but this is not acceptable especially since the wooden door itself and the frame it is relatively easy given break and break. There is a version of the long lock - arm can be installed  Locksmith on the inner side of the door - so you can make an existing metal door armored door, steel door like normal properties. The disadvantage of this version is the non-appearance - particularly aesthetically pleasing locking bars and locking mechanism Locksmith  on the inner side of the door. Those who are not concerned about the subject of this aesthetic, this lock is cheap and readily available solution (provided of course her door and door frames strong enough) and installation should be done by a professional locksmith. Locks are objects of paramount importance in our lives who serve us every day - at home, the Locksmith  car, at work and even in the mailbox. By installing locks would allow us to maintain many rights given to us by virtue of Locksmith  being citizens in a democracy - the right to privacy, the right to property, the right to physical and so their contribution to our lives is enormous and irrevocable. Locksmith




Install locks is an action to be performed after various considerations, such as quality, efficiency, cost and adaptability needed. That is - your mailbox would not Locksmith  choose to install sophisticated code lock, while the front door to your home do not settle just linguistic lock and chain. To be able to make the right choice in adapting your home locks should consult with a professional who understands the field, or with a certified locksmith. Furthermore, the following article - to help you find your way around in the field of locks and find the perfect lock for you - you can read a little about the types of locks are common and their properties.


Common types of locks:


Lock tab - tab lock is a lock with a simple mechanism Locksmith  in which the rotation of the key in the lock's rotation causes internal metal tab that attaches the door in place and prevents it from opening. Due to their simplicity, a lot of locks with tab - they are very easy to break, and are used mainly to lock the doors relatively unimportant, such as desk drawers, a closet door any equipment Locksmith  located inside the house, mailbox doors etc.. The advantage of locks tab is cheapest prices, and the availability of their most stores a lot of work equipment and building products. This makes these locks right or perfect for indoor use, especially for door whose contents you want to keep out of reach of children or nosy visitors. Locksmith



Cylinder lock - locks is one of the best and most popular lock house. With cylinder locks are durable and strong, relatively difficult to break locks and often resistant Locksmith  replication. These features indicate greater as priced, and yet more to various elements, such as camshaft and special internal number, which become credible cylinder locks long and extremely difficult to break. The main disadvantage of cylinder locks, especially those adapted to entrance doors, he stated price, but this is a one-time investment for a lifetime, and receive as a result of installing safety locks of this type is well worth the investment. Locksmith


Hidden locks - locks hidden locks are usually located on Locksmith  sliding doors and windows. Hidden locks are usually operated by a button or a special tab that can be moved up and down, and thus it allows the lock. The advantage of hidden locks is that they provide a lot of safety against small children Locksmith  who have difficulty opening mechanism, thus recipients disasters such as a fall delicacy window. In addition, hidden locks the doors of balconies provide certain safety, because it is impossible to open them from the outside, and a burglar who plans to penetrate from the balcony, would have to smash the door, which will surely wake the  Locksmith occupants or neighbors. However, such locks are not suitable for ordinary wooden doors, especially because they can be opened only from one direction.


Upper lock - Locks Top, also called Fabloks, they installed locks on the Locksmith  door at the level of the average person, above lock differential situated in the middle. Such locks are usually installed wooden entrance doors, which are easier to break steel doors, so they need to add additional protective Locksmith  measures. Locks may also upper cylinder technology generally, but usually it is a different type of cylinder lock installed standard to make it harder for the intruder.


Another type of lock is essentially a hidden lock (that is, given in the door) is type safe lock Joel (also produced the - by the Mul-T-locks). This sophisticated and difficult to lock with a key breakthrough is very difficult to copy, closing time staring three steel bars into the door frame action similar to the action safe. Certified Locksmith can also install a lock Joel ordinary doors. Also, you can also add Joel lock steel doors with lock long - arm when the door safety improvement and a large additional difficulty to break it.

Locks - except ordinary padlocks, whose sole purpose is to  Locksmith connect the two rings (eg, chain rings, or rings of metal gate) - must be adapted to the facility that they lock. It makes no sense to install a complex lock on a rickety wooden door or breaking a glass door that can bust down, or lock cylinder can easily break aluminum door of the business. To select the appropriate lock and its proper installation very worthwhile avail the  Locksmith services of an expert locksmith. However, before the locksmith invited slightly better recognize the different types of locks and their suitability for different types of doors.


Hidden Lock - This lock is most commonly installed by Locksmiths, wooden doors and metal doors home. It is so called because all his apparatus consists in the door and do not look, just a metal plate with a hole in the developer looks over the door. Lock hidden room includes basically three mechanisms: Tab slam sloping spring; handles Open (internal and sometimes external) that are connected to this tab and open it with Locksmith  a click, and a locking mechanism using the locking tab again and flat enters the crossbar. locking mechanism can be primitive (key "0" Large Metal - typical interior doors, such as bedrooms and bathrooms), but the models are designed that can be operated using injected into the cylinder lock mortise lock (typically, external wooden doors, warehouse doors, etc.). Locksmith




Lock tab - lock tab (also called by the people lock "Yale", the name of the Yale created it first) is a lock consisting of the inner side of the door of wood or metal (and more rarely on  Locksmith the glass door), and only a small circle and flat with key hole appears on the outer side of the door. Lock it several advantages: It can be easily added to the door is lock more, you can easily (moving the button) to lock it from the inside so it can not be developed outside even with a key, and you can easily control option his trick - that is, is it possible to lock the door shut without need a key. This option is very convenient, but also fraught with the danger of locked-out of the apartment without a key. Locksmith





Cylinder lock - this is the simple locking mechanism locks installed in many  Locksmith different types (such as mortise lock). Regular cylinder two - sided with jagged key is very common, and can be installed in almost every door. Advantages are its simplicity and ease of installation, low price, and the smallest and lightest key to easy and inexpensive to duplicate. Simplicity is of course also disadvantages - These locks are the easiest to break locks, especially if they are installed negligently and without external protection ring ("Rosetta") prevents their breaking. Cylinder locks, mostly common plain wooden doors and aluminum doors for home use. Locksmith 



Lock Top (Fablok) - Fablok is composed of a circular lock in the door and door frame inserts tab. Fablok padlock appears in two main configurations: one - a flat configuration, it is almost not  Locksmith noticeable from the door and opened only with a key, and the second - configuration includes rounded handles sticking out on both sides and very easy to open and close the door through which. In this configuration appears many times in a small button in the center of the handle (internal) allows to lock the door by pressing down without turning a key. In this  Locksmith configuration, mostly common Fablok lock internal doors.


There are of course many other types of locks are unique in various ways and adapted to different doors to different situations. For example, sliding doors can be installed in a special version of the hidden lock or cylinder lock tab inserted the curved track frame (like a nail of a cat) and "catch" it in place; cylinder lock can  Locksmith be a "Mul-T" more secure (with the flat key, the kind typical Steel doors) lock hook is basically a padlock strongly secured with metal additions prevent the breaking; glass door can be locked to the floor and the ceiling instead Locksmith  of the crossbar (typical businesses and shops), electronic locks and mechanical elaborate opened through Locksmith  code and no key at all, and more.


Range of products and services of locksmiths is therefore large and complex - how will we know our own needs to choose a locksmith and knowledge to solve our problem in the best way? You can indeed say that this general problem is not necessarily typical of the area locksmiths and locks, but the great diversity of products, services and service providers in this field is rather confusing.




We can therefore approach a solution to the problem from several angles:


Recommendations - As with most professionals, a good recommendation of a happy customer is worth its weight in gold. If a member, a friend or relative recommends one - cut the particular locksmith, and can tell how solved the problem, we can probably count on. Of course you should always treat with a certain reluctance enthusiastic recommendations, to understand whether a similar type of problem, and try to drill a little recommending.


Type of service needed - we see that the range of products and services on fairly large. A locksmith that does "everything" - from Key reproduction to install sophisticated electronic protection systems - is perhaps an excellent professional, but perhaps also very busy and tend to serve large institutional clients a high priority. For duplicating keys or buying a lock just do not need an expert, you can access the local hardware store. To install an alarm system or immobilizer car there is no point to go to the store but the garage who specializes in locks on, to order home services there is no need to go anywhere - Locksmith services are available by phone, and so on. As in many other areas, common sense is the best guide.



Independent investigation - you can check information sources as classified directories, web sites of professionals with recommendations and comparing prices, and of course home sites of different locksmiths. It is important to remember that, at the home of those locksmiths, there is a certain danger for the wrong impression, but the "crossover" of information, especially recommendations and opinions surfers may help.



Phone call - you can certainly call locksmiths (again, probably by websites or classified directories), to describe the problem or service needed and analyze the response. Good and reliable no hurry to "sell" a product or service before they found out very well the nature of the problem or request. People who need service urgently, such as the breach of a car door or apartment, term time promised arrival of a locksmith or a locksmith is of course an important element, and the general culture of speech and tone of a locksmith, courtesy and manners, and of course the impression that professional he passes, are very important factors . Do not underestimate the gut!


Compare Prices - Of course there is much point in comparing prices when it comes to purchasing a simple lock or key replication, but there is very little point in comparison when it comes to such a valuable product or service complicated. As in many other areas, price range similar products or services can be surprisingly large, and a little "leg work" (or fingers ...) can result in a very large difference in price. Of course there is no serious proposals tempted or that seem suspiciously cheap - these offers are usually costly in the end.


It is. Did you find a good locksmith and good service won? To keep the information to yourself, or your friends have recommended it appropriate website! Locksmith